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FAQ s about Parkside

Frequently Asked Questions about Parkside Elementary School

When does school start and end?

A student day is from 7:45 until 2:30.  Students may arrive at school at 7:25, but not before as there is no supervision.  At 7:40, the opening bell will ring and students will go to their classrooms to begin the day.  Please make sure students are at school by 7:40 at the latest.

Where do I drop off and pick my child up?

Our lot only has one entrance and exit, so traffic can back up VERY quickly.  Do NOT park at the entrance.  This causes an unsafe situation and forces people to drive in the exit lane.  When picking up your child, please park in a spot if you plan on leaving your car, or cannot wait directly in front of the school.

When is the best time to call and talk to a teacher?

Please call the school office to leave a message for the teacher. You may leave a message with the office to have a call returned to you as soon as the teacher is available. Teaching time is protected. The teacher will return your call at his/her earliest convenience. Teachers may also be contacted via email. Addresses can be found through the staff directory. Please do not enter a classroom unannounced and expect a meeting or conference.  

Early Dismissal Due to Inclement Weather

The decision to dismiss early due to inclement weather is made before 11:00 AM and the media will be notified at that time. WJBC 1230 AM, WBNQ 101.5 FM, WIHN 96.7 FM, WBWN 104.1 FM, WGLT 89.1 FM, or WWCT 106 FM provides early dismissal information. The Unit 5 website will also have this information at The Superintendent's office will also send out a School Reach phone message to all families. Please do not call the school office or the Unit Office for this information. If nothing has been announced by 11:00 AM, it will be a full day of school as usual. Please arrange with your children what they are to do if there is an early dismissal. It is difficult for last-minute arrangements to be made for students. All school functions are canceled when school is dismissed early.

Who do I call to report that my child will be absent?

Parkside Elementary has an attendance hotline (557-4471). This hotline is for absences ONLY. Anytime students cannot attend school, their parents or guardians must call the school attendance hotline before 8:00 AM to report the reason for the absence. The hotline is available for use 24 hours a day. Homework may be requested through the attendance hotline and will be available for pickup in the office after 2:30 PM. Sick children should not be at school. Do not send children to school if they have a fever, recently vomited, have diarrhea, a rash, signs of respiratory infection, infectious disease, head lice, or any illness that may be transferred to other students.

Are there any student fees?

There is a registration/book rental fee. This fee may be waived or reduced for students who qualify for the free/reduced lunch program. Assignment notebooks for grades 3-5 can be purchased for $5 from the Parkside office. Yearbooks can be ordered online at and will be delivered in May.

Whom do I see about medical information pertaining to my child?

The school nurse should be given necessary medical information at registration or on a need-to-know basis.  Please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Goff at 309-557-4699, for further information.

When is the physical exam and vaccination information due?

All physical exam and vaccination information is due on the FIRST DAY that the student attends school.

What should I do if my child needs to take medication at school?

You may request a form from the office that needs to be filled out for any medication that needs to be taken during school hours. Over the counter medicines (cough drops, aspirin, etc.) must also be taken to the nurse's office and have the completed form signed by a doctor.

Under what weather conditions do the students have indoor recess?

In general, students will be outside for recess unless it is raining or the temperature (including wind chill) is 20° F or lower.

How much does a school lunch cost?

The cost for a student lunch is $2.80 and breakfast costs $1.95.  White or chocolate milk can be purchased for $.55 for those eating cold lunch.  Milk is NOT free or reduced when students bring a cold lunch. 

What should I do when my child needs lunch money?

You may send money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it, or you may deposit money into your child’s food service account.  If you need information on how to access your account, please call the office.

What time do students eat lunch and recess?

Grades 3, 4 -   Lunch: 10:40   Recess: 10:15 

Grades 1, 2 -  Lunch: 11:10  Recess:  10:45

Grades K, 5 -  Lunch:  11:40  Recess:  11:15 

What times do the bells ring and for what reason? 

Our bell schedule is as follows:
7:25 AM - Morning Supervision Begins
7:40 AM - Students Released to Classrooms
7:45 AM - School Begins
2:30 PM – Dismissal

What should I do if I have to pick up my child early or during school hours?

Parents should send a note with the child to his/her teacher or email the school office at or  Students who leave during the school day are to be picked up from the office and signed out.  Please ring the bell to speak to the office to let them know you have arrived to pick up your student.   Also, please call the office at 557-4422 and let Mrs. Barlow or Ms. Leslie know your child's name, classroom and pick-up time.  This avoids long wait times for your child and they will be ready in the office for you.

When are students dismissed?

Students are dismissed at 2:30.

Can my child ride the bus home with a friend?

Parents should call transportation at 557-4287 for approval. Once transportation has approved your child to ride a bus parents should write a note or send an email giving their child permission. This note must be turned into your child's teacher.

How do I get involved in the Parkside PTO?

Parkside PTO meets the first Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. with some exceptions due to holidays, etc.  The meetings usually last for one hour, and free child care is provided.